Sunday, December 28, 2008


kittygirl! hi! um, yeah, thia is basically a random post..... let's see......ok..... bye!!!! (this post = comepletely random)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

snow again!

it snowed, like, 6 inches today! that's basically all the snow that memphis gets in a year!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


it snowed, it snowed!!!! and it stuck!!!!! there's an inch of snow everywhere!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

hi everyone!

OK, so we're (all of kids at party) REALLY bored, so we're writing this.... here we go!

ok.... i <3 my pig slippers still!!!! and yeah, you prob. don't know anyone else, but that's ok, we are just bored to the extreme!!!!!

<_> *snore*.

We're so bored! we need a game to play. we're done *laughs hysterically**laughs hysterically**laughs hysterically**laughs hysterically**laughs hysterically**laughs hysterically*
(typed by elizabeth)

Zicheng (again):
Im so bored Wii gets boring*goes to play Wii*.


I'm wearing a x-mas gift! ... PINK PIGGY SLIPPERS!!!! i <3 them, they're really soft and comfortable!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

1) hyphen-the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation
2) imperative sentence- a sentence that expresses direct commands or requests
3) inconsistency- a lack of the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation
4) independent clause- a clause that can stand on its own
5) informal language- casual and everyday speech
6) information source- a source of information for somebody, e.g. a book
7) interjection-a sound, word, or phrase that expresses a strong emotion such as pain or surprise but otherwise has no meaning
8) interpretation-an explanation or establishment of the meaning or significance of something
9) interview- a meeting during which somebody is asked questions, e.g. by a prospective employer, a journalist, or a researcher
10) intonation- how a author describes the something can affect the way the reader views it. e.g., the pleasantly plump…. vs. the fat and overweight…..
11) irregular verb- a verb that falls outside regular conjunction the language that they occur in
12) italics- printed in or using letters that slope to the right. Italic letters are sometimes used in book titles or to show emphasis in text.
13) jargon-language that is used by a group, profession, or culture, especially when the words and phrases are not understood or used by other people
14) juxtaposition-to place two or more things together to emphasize the contrast between them
15) knowledge base- a special kind of database for knowledge management. It provides the means for the computerized collection, organization, and retrieval of knowledge.
16) language convention- a formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, that deals with language
17) layout-the way component parts or individual items are arranged
18) lecture-an educational speech on a subject made before an audience
19) line (in a play)- the spoken words that make up an actor's part
20) literal phrase- two or more words in sequence that form a syntactic unit that is less than a complete sentence that means exactly what it says.
21) log-any detailed record of events
22) logic-sensible rational thought and argument rather than ideas that are influenced by emotion or whim
23) logical argument- a argument with logical reasoning behind it
24) logo- a design used by an organization on its letterhead, advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized
25) manner of speech- how one talks. E.g. softly, roughly, etc.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

yippee! (not)

first snow of the year today! normally, i would be outside right now, but..... i know it's going to snow at least 5 more feets through out the winter...

Monday, December 1, 2008


#1 i think i found your youtube account....


any ideas for youtube names????

happyaznskwee (too long when i get famous, lol)
happyskwee (too much like happyslip)
littleskwee (oooo.... sounds good.....)
tinyskwee (ok, now that's just pushing it....)

tell me if you can come up with anything else....